You can download rainmater link

Yosemite Menu Bar for Rainmeter simulates MacOSX menu bar.

It has menus with preset commands and menus that show applications shortcuts that you can easily customize.

Start Menu - Rainmeter version of start menu.

Applications - Menu with mostly used applications. You can easily customize this menu by opening Application Folder and adding or removing shortcuts.

Documents - Menu shows your Documents folder. You can easily switch to Pictures, Music, Videos and you can scroll through your files for quick access. Locations for these folders can be changed in Settings category "Documents and Places" by choosing "Configuration File" and changing paths.

Places - Menu shows mostly accessed places like My Computer, Documents, Downloads, Contacts... It enables you to quickly access or eject removable drive.

System tray icons enables you to change volume, control music player, search files on Computer or Internet. Home page can be set in Settings by choosing "Documents and Places" and "Configuration File".

This small suite comes with Lockscreen and a few desktop widgets like Battery meter, Clock, World Clock, Media Player and Volume Control.

Menu appearance can be easily customized from Settings where you can change Theme, Colors, Transparency, Font. You can change Date and Time Format that appears in system tray and Lockscreen and you can select your media player.

(4 MB, Full HD)
(This post contains only a selection of the set, the full set is in this zip file, in their original size.) Click Skip Ad at the top right to get to the download.

Credit author: rabra
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